Monday, December 29, 2008


Greetings everyone!

I have just a short time this morning and so I just wanted to quickly thank all of you who have made my life so special.  

I have had the opportunity of sharing my music with many as I played at the Main Post Office on Center Street in Mesa.  I played for at least 10 to 12 hours, broken up throughout the days before Christmas.  Had lots of compliments and had lots of fun.

We had the opportunity of spending the last week with family in Snowflake.  Our family Christmas program was great.  Shea and his family took charge and presented a wonderful gift of helping us understand again what Christmas is all about - FAMILY.  Jesus Christ has taught us the importance of family - we see evidence of this very strongly in the scriptures.  He believed in family and He has shared that with us directly through Prophets today.  I know how important families are and am so very grateful for mine.  Of course, I think mine is the greatest ever, but I know you all feel that way and that is most important.  I added to my family a short time ago when I married Nick and it has been very interesting how my love for his brothers and sisters has grown.  I don't get the opportunity to see them very much, but I am just amazed at how much I love them.  I guess it's because of the Gospel.  I know that Nick's family are my family because Nick and I were sealed together and because of that his family is mine.  The love that has come out of this is almost overwhelming and wonderful at the same time.

Each of you who are reading this little excerpt of my life have played a very vital role in my life.  You have helped me see the importance of friendship and the loyalty of family.  You have given to me the gift of love so strongly that I am awed by the feelings I have.  My life is so rich because of each of you.  THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU AND LOVING ME!!!

OK - enough!!!  I will try to upload some pictures on the next post.  I am mad at myself for not taking more pictures - I had the stupid camera with me all the time, but didn't take the dang thing out of my purse or pocket when things were happening.  Ever felt like you missed something?  Well, I did - but my mind's memory has them all cataloged away for reminiscing later.

Talk again at you soon,



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I haven't kept up with this like I wanted to, but just the same, I'm here now!  

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I made the best pie!  I will include the recipe here in this blog.  It was made with Splenda.  I know it looks like heck, but it was soooooo goooood.  Everyone chose it before they even cut into the other pies.  

Maybe there's hope for my cooking skills.  Nick still wonder's if I ever learned to cook!

I'm going to include a few more pictures from Thanksgiving.  We had a wonderful time.  And as usual, it was way too short.

We are all looking forward to Christmas.  The Flake's will be getting together the Sunday before and enjoying one another and then having Christmas at home.  Nick and I will be staying at Mom and Dad's.

Each year we have a tradition that I started 25 years ago this Christmas.  After I returned from my mission, I wanted to do something that the Finnish people do on Christmas Eve.  They go to the graveyard on Christmas Eve and place a candle at their loved ones' grave.  It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  Just picture in your mind a graveyard covered with snow and thousands of little lights flickering in the snow.  Because of the time of year, it is dark most of the day, so the candles are just beautiful.  Some people would construct snowball pyramids and place the candle inside.  Others would freeze ice and place the candle inside.  Others just used candles in plastic containers made just for this purpose.  It was so beautiful to see and experience, that I wanted to share that with my family.

I invited my family to go with me and we put candles on the graves, gathered together and sang a Christmas hymn and then had a prayer.  The reason we have kept it going is because it brings a wonderful sense of hope and love like no other time of year.  To honor our loved ones by placing a candle at their resting spot and knowing that we will be able to see them again and be with them again is an awesome thing.  We are reminded by the candles of the Light that was sent here to earth to save all of us.  That "Light" was and is Jesus Christ.  He has given us the gift of Resurrection.  He came into this life in the poorest of circumstances and lived a life of service.  He knew from the beginning what He was going to have to do and He showed us how much He loves us by the life He led.  Then He did the most wonderful thing and took upon Himself our sins - all of the stupid things we do - He paid the price for them if we will repent of them.  Then He was crucified.  HE GAVE HIS LIFE FOR US!  Then the most wonderful miracles was HE RAISED FROM THE DEAD to live again.  He has given us that gift and hope.  So, each Christmas our family honors Him by remembering what He has done for us and our loved ones.

I am grateful that my family has continued this tradition.  

Afterwards, we go back to Mama and Daddy's for grilled cheese sandwiches and soup.  Now you can't beat a good hot meal after standing out in the cold for a good hour.

I have a wonderful family!  I love each and every one of them.  I thank the Lord daily for my blessings and am awed by those family and friends I have the privilege of spending my life with.  Each of you mean the world to me.  Thank you for your love and support.  I hope that I will live my life worthy of that love and support!

OK - enough - here's the recipe for Tawna's Apple Cherry Pie:

3 pounds pealed and sliced tart apples
1 pound frozen pitted dark cherries

place into a large mixing bowl.

In a smaller bowl mix together:

3/4 cup granulated Splenda
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt

Pour over the apples and cherries.  Then add

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
3/4 cup melted butter

and continue to mix this together.  (You can of course try to perfect this recipe, but remember, I thought of it first..... nanner, nanner, boo, boo!)

Place bottom crust into a round glass cake dish - it won't all fit in a pie plate - of course you can always split this into two pies - whatever.  Pour in the mixture.  Take the top crust and lay it over the top.  You can seal the two crusts together and then slice some holes in the top for the steam.  Take the 1/4 cup of melted butter left over from the stick and brush it over the top of the pie.  (This may be sugar free, but unfortunately it isn't "fat free.")

Place pie into a preheated 425 degree oven and bake for one hour.  At about 40 minutes you may want to cover the top of the pie with foil so the crust doesn't burn.  Make sure you put it on a foil covered cookie sheet so you don't have to clean your oven after this adventure.

Take it out, let it cool, and then DIG IN!  It was soooo yummmmy!

Well - give it a try and let me know if it worked for you.  

Love you all,
