Monday, November 3, 2008


Hi, everyone!

Just got off my e-mail some disturbing news.  If Obama is elected, he could repeal the "marriage" amendment that will probably pass here in Arizona, possibly in Florida and by a slim margin, California.  He has already said that he does not agree with making a marriage so clean and clear cut as "one man and one woman."  

If he gets elected, I feel we're going to have our world rocked almost to the core.  I have been talking with people from other countries and they are all looking for us to elect Obama.  They want change.  They are tired of conservatism and they want to get Obama in.  They all say it will be the best for the world.

Well - not so.  I firmly believe that Obama does not have this country at heart.  He is a pawn that is being used to further dishonest government.  It grieves me that we even have a member of the LDS church involved in this outrage - Senator Harry Reid.  Anyhow - I think we're heading right into prophesy and I hope we will all be able to endure to the end.

Each of you that I have included in my circle of friends are important to me.  I truly pray that you will all be blessed in your efforts and in your families.

I'll be back in touch.  Vote your conscience, but DON'T VOTE FOR OBAMA!


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